Namaste and Goodnight

“My Bed is a Magical Place Where I Suddenly Remember Everything I Need to Do” If you’ve ever felt this way, you’re not alone. Any number of factors can make falling asleep and staying asleep difficult, but the most common factor is not being able to quiet the mind.  And because we know how vital sleep is, it’s easy during…

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The Bountiful Beet

Just Beet It, We’ve Got the Beet, How to be un-BEET-able. All titles of recent YouTube videos, all about BEETS! Beets are climbing the super-food charts, and it’s not just because of their ability to make a catchy headline.  Beets offer an astounding number of benefits from wrinkle prevention to lowering blood pressure. Energy Boost without the Crash Beets became…

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Surprise Benefits of Massage

“I NEED A MASSAGE”… is phrase often groaned by someone who is experiencing neck tension or back pain.  It’s frequently accompanied by some form of stretching and cracking sounds.  But massage is not just for the back-popping groaner. Massage is for EVERYONE! Yes, tension and pain relief are wonderful reasons to get a massage, but they only scratch the surface…

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The Skinny on Summertime Skin Care

The summer months are upon us, and in Missouri that means ball games, gardening, wineries, and lakes.  Fun in the SUN!  And unless you’ve been living in the dark (in which case this doesn’t apply to you), you know the importance of sun safety.  You know that over-exposure to the sun can cause painful sunburns, wrinkles, skin discoloration, and worst…

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Augusta Vineyard

Gifts from the Vineyard

With health studies continuously giving us new reasons to avoid our favorite foods, it’s always a breath of fresh air to hear when benefits of a food are discovered.  In recent years, no such benefits have created more of a buzz than those reportedly found in red wine. Unfortunately, when this news was traveling the grapevine and red wine was…

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